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Eye on Networlding: Social Networking Success Spotlight

Eye On Networlding: Social Networking Success Spotlight

Many of you know Jeffrey Gitomer and his book called Jeffrey Gitomer’s Little Teal Book of Trust.
Well, Gitomer is great at showcasing others who are strong examples of what he believes in so, in his recent newsletter, he showcased Scott Ginsberg, otherwise known now as “The Nametag Guy.”

Now for those of you who are passionate about Networlding and building “mutually beneficial relationships” I would say that even though Scott might look like a “schmoozer” he actually is quite a master at building relationships. Besides visiting his website, here is a recent excerpt from Jeffrey’s latest newsletter that showcases the results Scott has gotten from my two favorite things for 2009 (and beyond by the way): 1) social networking and 2) blogging:

Scott’s Excerpt:

And the reasons (excuses) people give for not getting involved in social networking are:
1. They don’t have the time.
2. They don’t see the payoff, aka, currency.

Well, remember this:
You WILL have the time…when-you-first-

For online social networking, the potential currency could be:
• Expanding your network
• Driving traffic
• Filtering in new leads
• Developing, storing content
• Branding and marketing
• Making money
• Projecting transparency
• Building community

Here’s an example.

I never thought blogging was worth it. For about a year, I didn’t see any return, any “currency” from my daily posting.

Then, on August 31st, 2005, I wrote a post that would lead to over $100,000 of new business.

If that happened to you, would YOU make time to blog every morning?

You bet.,

So whether it’s online social networking, initiating a new marketing plan, attending a conference or deciding to publish a book, understand this:

It might take six to twelve months before you actually see your currency come to fruition. Heck, that’s the “I” in Return on Investment.

Note that Scott also has a book called The Power of Approachability. Read it. It’s great.

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