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Would the Authors of Tribal Leadership Say Networking is Dead?

Would The Authors Of Tribal Leadership Say Networking Is Dead?
Tribal Leadership book cover

Tribal Leadership book cover (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Tribal Leadership” is a book about networks. Dave Logan, John King and Halee Fischer-Wright have been searching for what they call “Fifth-Stage” companies for quite some time. The great news is that they have found some. These are companies that: 1)hire, grow and fire by values, 2) lead with a noble cause and 3) “triad.”

Today I’ll focus on “triading.” This is about building relationships that matter. It is not about networking for personal gain but for “mutual gain.” it’s about being that person who goes out of your way to connect people who could benefit one another and even further, their companies, stakeholders, perhaps even the world by connecting.

Triading is a skill,an important skill that can be developed. Do you triad? Please share your story.

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