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Marketing Your Book Post-Launch

Marketing Your Book Post-Launch

I’ve been helping authors learn the ropes of book publishing now for 15 years. A big part of that training includes pre-launch, launch, and post-launch book marketing strategies. Ten of my fifteen years have been spent working one-on-one with top thought leaders who are passionate about their books.

Thought leaders who are truly passionate put hundreds of hours into writing, publishing, and then launching their books. Click To Tweet

Sadly, what happens following an author’s launch rarely reflects the effort they put in to get their book out into the world. I would estimate that more than 90% of the authors I’ve worked with go cold turkey when it comes to post-launch book marketing. 

Post-Launch Book Marketing Strategies for the Long Term

I’ve worked for more than a decade to teach my authors how to launch effectively. Then I train them to keep promoting their book while minimizing costs. 

The following are suggestions from those authors who have been successful with their post-launch book marketing.

Create a book discussion guide

After publishing Better Allies, authors Karen Catlin and Sally McGraw worked with their editor to create a one-page book club discussion guide and offer it in a free downloadable bonus booklet. They point people to the guide when they give talks, encouraging them to form a discussion group at their company.

If you would like to see the discussion guide, you can download it at

Make an Author Central Page

Do you have an author central page? If not, head to Amazon’s Author Central portal and create your account. Don’t forget to put the link to your author central page in the signature of all post-launch marketing emails you send (as well as any emails you send from your business email).

Buy 100 of your books and give them to boards in your community

This is a post-launch book marketing strategy I’ve used for success. The books were signed and given to people on boards in Chicago. I ended up with a lucrative contract to teach networking at a top bank in the city. The book became the social proof that I could deliver important and useful wisdom on the subject of using networking to bring in new customers for the bank.

Tap into book clubs

We just created an offer for one of our latest clients, Colin Egglesfield. He wrote a powerful new book called “Agile Artist”. His book club page offers a variety of options for buying his books in bulk that also includes 15 minutes that Colin offers to call into a book club session of choice. It’s a great way to get more people not only reading but also sharing your unique content.

Further Reading
Smart Book Launches – Part 1 – Creating Reader Momentum
Smart Book Launches – Part 2 – Social Proof
Email Marketing for Self-Published Authors
How to Create a Book Marketing Plan
26 Great Book Marketing Ideas

For more advice…

Feel free to contact me to ask about anything pertaining to writing, publishing, or marketing books. My goal is to help experts write successful, exciting, and impactful books better and faster. Just reach out here!

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