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Sex and the City Chicago Style

Sex And The City Chicago Style

I was actually surprised when I started monitoring all the references to “Sex and the City” on Cision, the database I purchased for my company. After a week of dozens and dozens of diverse blog articles with the pop culture reference I see that even though the series is in rerunville and right now there doesn’t appear to be any sign of yet a third movie, there is still a public passion regarding the series.

This insight has led me to some additional insights for others who want success in publishing. In fact some of these insights blast long held tenants I had about publishing:

Myth #1: You should not position your book as similar to a big book or movie. For myself and my co-authors of Shy Town Girls offering that our book is similar in many ways to “Sex and the City” has helped us quickly explain our book to new readers and engage them.

Myth #2: You should push your way to big adoption. This is my first book where I have had first-hand experience of what top marketing expert, Seth Godin, refers to as an idea virus. But that doesn’t mean we need to “push” our book on everyone we meet. Our co positioning, instead, works perfectly to “engage” others. To my surprise we have had instant and powerful engagement from teens to twenty and thirty something’s as well as both gay and straight men. So everyday my co-authors and I “invite” people to explore our book.

Myth #3: If you don’t explode out the gate you won’t be successful. Nope, I’m a fan of Winston Churchill’s famous quote to never give up. When it comes to books think series and slow and steady can truly win the race.

Finally faith is an easy word to say but a hard word to hold steady and use as a motivator daily. I’ve had a harder life than most. I don’t talk about it openly often but for family and friends who know me think I’m very strong. It’s just that I take everything one day at a time and hold faith as a watch word. Then I focus on the goals of helping my 10 authors a year and myself, keep to our goals and dreams, never giving up, always seeing the possibilities. I welcome you to do the same.

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