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Potential Partner Guide

Potential Partner Guide

Potential Partner Guide
First think about your values and imagine the ideal mix of people you would want in your primary circle. Avoid editing yourself; let your ideas and imagination flow. Jot down your wish list. Explore sources to find connectors, influencers . . . in other words Networlders.
Consider the following:
– FAST Company magazine
– 40 under 40 lists (Crains usually publishes this)
– Magazines that list the best companies for women to work in, the best ethical companies, the companies with the best CEO’s (Sources include Forbes, Crains, Fortune, Inc, etc)
– Showcased articles in local newspapers – business sections, on top business leader (you are looking for people who, through their words or stories, espouse complimentary values to yours)
– Referrals from your local chamber to top business leaders
– Research on the web with heading such as “socially responsible companies, business leaders, top business leaders, etc.)

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