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Pie Formula for Writing Books

Pie Formula For Writing Books

Many people through the years have benefited from the following formula I created for writing a book. As a book coach and book marketer I have used it often in the last decade. I hope it can benefit you also.

Step 1: 30% – Make the crust of your pie. Just like you take the time to create a good pie crust, take time to write a great outline for you book.

Step 2: 60% – Pour in the FED’s -facts, examples, and details. The facts are all those great statistics and research that helps bolster the ideas presented in your book. Examples are the great stories that illuminate the ideas you present even faster as they offer both tacit (implied) and explicit (self evident) knowledge. Stories really help readers wrap their arms around complex ideas.

Step 3: 10% – Finish with the garnishment. This is the unique part of the book–the heart of you–your voice–the uniqueness of you.


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