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How to Convert Social Media Leads in Sales

You want Social Media relationships…(you really, genuinely have to want it).  But you may also want to see it convert in tangible results.

What are tangible results?

1) Sales! Money.
2) Contacting you
3) Increasing number of followers, audience, and e-mail list.
4) Relationships you’ve formed, that can led to beneficial exchanges
5) Sales!

Avenues TO getting that..

1)   Being present. Customer service and enforcing your brand.
2)   Ask for Call to Actions. Don’t be shy, consumers like confident marketers! Sometimes they need guidance too. They don’t always know what you want from them.
3)   Pay attention to who’s supporting you – support them back. Those who are supporting you will become immensely valuable as they help you grow.
4)  For a product, you can offer free trials or free initial consultations.

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