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50 Ways to Better Social Media – Sneak Peek

50 Ways To Better Social Media – Sneak Peek

With our new book coming out soon, “50 Ways to Better Social Media” comes the following tip:

Tip 35: Know Thyself: The First of the Five Golden Rules of Social Networking

Have you ever heard that ancient Greek saying, “Know thyself”?  Some have attributed this aphorism to Socrates, and others to Pythagoras, but whoever wrote these words, they must have struck a chord with humanity, because it’s still getting tossed around a thousand years later.

This is the first golden rule of social networking. Know yourself. Take time to really get to know what matters to you right now – not to anyone else and not what used to or someday might matter.

One way you can do this is to start each morning by writing down the things that matter most to you. Each day for seven days in a row, write them down on a clean, white, blank piece of paper. At the end of your writing session, tuck the piece of paper for that day away in a drawer. Don’t go back and look at the other pages you wrote for the day or for days before. Even if you just rewrite what you’ve already written, write something each and every day.

After your seven-day writing session, on the eighth day, take a look at what you have written. You should feel very different from the first day you started writing. You should have a much stronger conviction about what matters most to you. Whatever is most important for you now, at this moment, you’ll know.

That’s where you will begin with your social networking. After taking more than 5,000 people through the Networlding process myself and getting feedback from my licensees and many others who have gone through Networlding, I know that you can find your voice, your heart, and your compass for moving forward. That passion that you have for something that is uniquely yours will emerge and pull you forward to another level of performance. For me that passion was to make a positive difference in people’s lives. What’s your passion?

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