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How to Write Book Acknowledgments Pages

How To Write Book Acknowledgments Pages

One thing my authors ask for help with most upon finishing their manuscripts is how to write a book acknowledgments page.

The “How” of Writing Book Acknowledgments Pages

  1. Thank all those who contributed to the success of the physical creation to completion of your book: your agent (if applicable), publisher, editor(s), graphic designer, book coach, etc.
  2. Thank all those who helped you through the years to develop your craft: colleagues, partners, even companies that provided environments that brought about your insights
  3. Thank the family members who put up with you throughout the arduous process of writing your book: You can also thank your parents here if they impacted your thinking on your book and/or provided major emotional to financial support that made it possible for you to write your book.
  4. Thank any past and current role models: Maybe you are inspired by Mark Twain, Malala, or your closest friend.
  5. Be sincere. This is your time to be as magnanimous as possible. This is all about honoring through your written appreciation all those who supported your good work.

The following are examples of book acknowledgment pages to show you rather than just tell you how these are written.

Example 1: From Making Your Net Work: The Art and Science of Career and Business Networking

First I would like to thank Billy Dexter for not giving up on his dream of writing a book. I’d also like to thank the many people who have helped me learn and practice both the art and science of networking throughout the years.

Additionally, my special thanks to Jocelyn Carter Miller, my co-author on my first of seven books on networking, for helping me bring Networlding into corporations like Motorola, Office Depot, and American Express. I could not have done this without your help and passion for networking.

An additional thanks to the University of Chicago’s Graduate Women’s Advisory Board for the many years I have gifted the opportunity to help the members by sharing my insights on networking. Also, special thanks to the many organizations: The Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce, Dean Foods, Fortune Brands, Elkay Manufacturing, Northwestern, Loyola, and Depaul, the Business Marketing Association, the Kentucky Broadcasters Association, the Pennsylvania Bankers Association, Make a Wish, the YWCA, and United Way, Heidrick & Struggles, NBD, First Chicago, and American National Bank, where I was able to further continue my teaching, training, and especially learning the many facets of the process of building vibrant networks.

Example 2: From The Insight Discipline by Liam Fahey

This book is part of Seven Big Problems in the Marketing Industry, seven-book series I helped create for the American Marketing Association.

This book wouldn’t have been possible without the corporate organizations—large and small—that allowed me to develop and test insight-related ideas in projects, workshops, and consulting engagements over the last twenty-plus years.

I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to those who gave me detailed and constructive comments on one or more chapters, including Gaurab Bhardwaj, Kurt Christensen, Martha Culver, David De Long, Phil Dover, Stew Early, Francois Gau, John Grant, Kelsey Hare, David Harkleroad, Linda Hayes, Bernie Jaworski, Adrienne Jonsson, Rand Mendez, Ralph Oliva, V. K. Narayanan, Robert Randall, Clay Philips, Larry Prusak, Bill Sammon, Patricia Seeman, Dan Simpson; Elizabeth Swann, Hubert St Onge, Martin Wall, Wanda Wallace, and Fred Wiersema. They gave freely of their time to discuss nuances of the text and pushed me to clarify concepts, explore particular facets of insight work, and explain the rationales for specific recommendations.

I’m also immensely grateful to the Intelligence Leadership Forum, which has allowed me to use the group as my personal learning laboratory. What an indescribable pleasure it is to meet three times a year with people who are genuinely interested in ideas, who render a constructive critique of any material, suggestion, or practice that comes before them, and who are always eager to test new ideas, new ways of thinking, and new practices.

I want to acknowledge the Leadership Forum, Inc. (LFI) team, who have made my professional life such a pleasure: Wanda Wallace, Peter Wright, Mary Lou Donovan, Kelly Nipp, Mandy Peele, and Candis Tate. Wanda, my LFI co-founder, has constantly encouraged me to “get that book done.” I can’t thank her enough for being my unrelenting source of inspiration to challenge how things get done in the corporate world.

Bernie Jaworski was kind enough to invite me to consider including this book in the AMA Leadership Series, “Seven Big Problems of Marketing”. I’ve greatly appreciated his counsel during the final stages of completing the manuscript. Andy Friedman and his team at the AMA deserve special words of appreciation for their vision to create the AMA Leadership Series and for ensuring that the classic author-publisher challenges were surmounted before they arose. Chris Berge of Berge Design brought a sense of required proportion to all our conversations around book jacket design and related matters. Finally, I’m deeply indebted to Melissa G Wilson and Gretchen Dykstra for their wonderful editorial support and guidance.

Finally, I want to thank my wife, Patricia, for tolerating my incessant disappearances into my home office. A lifelong partner makes both the journey and destination worthwhile.

With these tips, you should have no trouble at all completing a worthwhile and complete book acknowledgments page.

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