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Book Publishing: 3 Secrets

Book Publishing: 3 Secrets

For more than 15 years, I've been researching the best secrets for successful book writing, publishing, and marketing. I've read the best-rated books on the subject, worked with a number of top experts in the field, like Seth Godin, and…

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Traditional, DIY Or Hybrid Publishing: A Comparison

Traditional, DIY or Hybrid Publishing: A Comparison

What is the Best Publishing Option For Your Book?

You have decided that you want to become a published author. That’s your goal. Maybe you’ve already written a book, but maybe you haven’t made it that far yet. What matters is that you’ve made a conscious decision and you have a clear idea of what you’re setting out to accomplish.

As with any type of success, over half of the battle is changing your mindset and finding the determination to make your dreams become reality. Publishing books is no exception to this.

The next step is figuring out whether it makes more sense to choose the traditional publishing route or to self-publish your own book. There is no “one size fits all” answer to this question, as every situation will have unique factors to consider. Today we’re going to talk about how to choose the one that is best suited to your needs as a new author.

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How To Explore Your Publishing Options

How to Explore Your Publishing Options

Here’s the good news: writers today are fortunate enough to have plenty of options once they decide they want to publish a book.

Now the bad news: not all publishing options are created equally.

With more freedom comes greater responsibility, which translates into more time spent researching and considering the pros and cons of each route to publication you have to choose from.

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Ebook Vs. Hardback Or Softback Book  Release– Which Should Come First?

Ebook vs. Hardback or Softback Book Release– Which Should Come First?

New Business Authors: ebook vs. hardback?

Fifty Ways to Better Social MediaThere is a lot of advice out there regarding whether a new author should publish a print or an Ebook version of their book first. Of course, like most questions about which route is the best to take, the answer is far from black and white. It will depend on several factors and your overall publishing strategy as well.

If you’re reading this, you are most likely a successful businessperson or professional and you are probably interested in expanding your reach via publishing and strengthening your brand as an expert in your field.

This is exactly what Networlding’s services help you accomplish. Today’s post will be most useful to you if your goal is to share your expertise as a successful professional by becoming an author.

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How To Build A Business Around Your Book

How to Build a Business Around Your Book

Lead Me To Success In Publishing: 101 WaysWrite a Book About Your Experience and Expertise

As an expert or professional in your field, you likely already have some experience with running a successful business. This gives you an advantage over many other new authors who publish under the constraints of being a “creative” type.

This certainly doesn’t mean that non-fiction authors are not creative. On the contrary, they tend to be some of the most innovative and resourceful people on the planet. Not to mention, they are rock stars when it comes to storytelling, which is an essential skill for any type of writer or author.

Of course, everyone comes from a different background both personally and professionally speaking. There is also more than one breed of success. Some non-fiction authors were first wildly successful self-made businesspeople, full of entrepreneurial spirit.

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